Relaxation Training
INR 8000-/

Challenges of modern life to balance between personal life and career growth and constant fear of failure forces everyone to try some or other methods of entertainment e.g. leisure trips, watching movies, singing songs, spending time with family and friends to relax. Sometimes, even after all these methods it becomes difficult to relax and rejuvenate to meet the everyday life hurdles. Relaxation techniques are not only methods to relax individual, these also generate positive belief and energizes clients to deal the life stressors in more efficient manner.
Aim of training
Teaching of various methods of relaxation and training in particular method as per the need of client.
Objectives of training
1. Assessment of current status of stress and relaxation of client
2. Teaching in various relaxation techniques e.g. Progressive muscle relaxation, Autogenic training, Breathing exercises, Imagery and meditation.
3. Training in any of the above methods as per the need and suitability of client
4. Reassessment of status of relaxation and clients belief
It generally needs 5-7 sessions but may vary as per extent of problem and personality of client.