Memory Training
INR 11000-/

Memory is generally defined as registration and storage of information and ability to retrieve it. Memory has been divided into short-term and long-term memory. Short-term memory is also called as working memory which is responsible for short-term storage and used in day to day activities. Most of the students report inability to remember or recall the memorized topics in examinations. Lots of research has been done in this area and we offer the scientifically proven counselling which helps to improve the memory.
Aim of the counseling
To train the client with methods to enhance Working memory.
1. To educate client about the concept of memory formation
2. To train client in various methods of memory enhancement.
3. To train the client in memory enhancement as per the need of his/her requirement.
It usually needs 2-3 sessions but may vary as per the extent of problem and requirement of client.