Counselling For Sleep
INR 5000-/

Refreshing sleep is essential for normal brain functions. An adult usually sleeps for 7-8 hours but few may need little more or less of it. Inadequate sleep may cause changes in mood, learning & memory problems, and abnormal hormonal rhythms. Sleep problems are divided into three major categories: Insomnia, hypersomnia, and parasomnia.
Insomnia is characterized by inadequate/poor quality sleep. Hypersomnia is excessive daytime sleepiness and parasomnia presents with unusual happenings in sleep.
Aim of counselling
Identification and recognition of sleep related problem and training in getting refreshing sleep.
Objectives of Therapy:
1. Detailed evaluation of sleep-wake cycle and behaviour.
2. Identification and replacement of dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes
3. Education about sleep hygiene
4. Education and training in stimulus control, sleep restriction therapy, and relaxation technique
It usually requires 3-5 sessions but may vary as per the extent of the problem.