Anger Management
INR 6000-/

Anger is a ubiquitous intense emotional state which has constellations of specific uncomfortable subjective feeling state associated with negative cognitions(irrational beliefs, negative automatic thoughts) and verbal, facial, bodily & autonomic reactions.
Anger is usually caused by perceived threat to individual’s physical, psychological or social status so it can sometime lead to significant harm to self or others which can result into long-term problems in the life of individual.
Tips to control anger
1. Make a list of things that make you angry and prepare yourself in advance to handle them.
2. Express your feelings to people politely before things cross your limitations.
3. Leave the spot immediately and take a break to calm you down.
4. If conversation is moving towards hot arguments, change the topic of discussion or postpone the meeting.
5. Focus on your breathing pattern and begin deep breathing, Inhale by counting 1,2,3,4, hold for 4 seconds and exhale by counting 1,2,3,4.
6. Start tensing and relaxing body muscles.
Counselling and Therapies
Anger Management training( Relaxation training and imaginal exposure).